Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Glorious Butterlies

Some gorgeous photos arrived today from guests who stayed at Le Ripe in May. More of their photos will follow soon. I think Su spent hours waiting for butterflies to sit on flowers, to catch these incredible shots. The lavender is still alive with butterflies and bees plundering the nectar and pollen. Sometimes it seems they have rosters: different bees work at different times of day.

Monday, July 30, 2012

 ...from the summer diary
Harvested lavender from sixteen bushes today. Still plenty to go. Apart from hanging bunches of dried lavender around the house I am hoping to make some lavender bags this year for our guests. It is still pretty hot but there are gusty winds today...Last night we heard a family of boar all around the main house, rustling and feeding in the dark.